Monday, July 18, 2011

First Impressions about The Netherlands

The first three days I still can feel the authenticity of the Dutch, and memorize the roads that I went through. But there are some things that definitely stuck in my heart and mind because it is different from my everyday life in Indonesia. For example the following things:

Body size

Do not think all the Dutch people as big as a pot-bellied yes, (to my knowledge Bagong Petruk in the series was short and fat). Not really, just like we people of Indonesia. In the Netherlands there is also a small, short, pufferfish, tall, skinny, singset, etc.. Additionally; some Dutch people there are big high. High 180meter's, big 100kilo's. And I was not too small to feel insecure. After all the warm clothes can dipasin futures in law to me.


Everyday language in the Netherlands is Dutch. But wherever I go, I communicate with English and my communication with anyone smoothly. That is, almost everyone who encountered could speak English. except the really old, who first made the national language sekolahannya doang. School is now in the Netherlands almost all international standards. English-language books and English-language exams, so all students are required to clever English.

Everyday language including Leeuwarden in Friesland is the Dutch language as well. Know the brand sweetened condensed milk Flag Frysian right? Frysian its existing flag? nah it from the Friesland region. Friesland cows are well known you know, there are characteristics of black complexion between his white skin. His language is also different, (not the language of his cows). There are some areas still use Frysian language. Some there are who insist on maintaining the language and lower the same children and grandchildren. Especially my future in law, male. Inside Geart family, the father still uses Frysian language as the language of everyday life, whereas the mommy to use the Dutch language to their children. (Hehehe. .. maap, later I want ajarin Padang same language my child, not Frysian: P than he is confused.)


In my opinion, the Dutch with a disciplined lifestyle, many of which have become lazy nature. There may be ... but still must be disciplined. disciplined about hygiene, taxes, solideritas, etc.. For example, discipline problems of cleanliness, if not litter fined, fined careless smoking, take it on loud car does not fit the rules was also fined. Another example, electricity, if not disciplined in the use of electricity could go bankrupt. uh, not quite hell broke-broke ... but do not free electricity, he said quite expensive. In the Netherlands, electricity hardly ever goes out. if the lights off, the government must compensate big-gedeanan to every consumer of electricity, both homes and companies. So even if a power failure, usually only once every few years. Different yes ... the same I **** tettt a subscription electricity outages.


I think honest people equally. after all the evidence, many things are worrying in Indonesia to be nothing to worry about in the Netherlands. For example, parking cars on the streets all night. Since all the streets in front of the house and provided ample parking at the curb, then everyone in the park there. No one was afraid his car stolen while transparent glass and stuff lying in the car. Another example, if we are shopping in the adjoining supermarket, continued to run out shopping at the supermarket next door which does not use bags, shopping bags can we put back in the Trolly and brought into the supermarket next door. Later at checkout to live whichever is from the supermarket A or B, and would not be suspected if the goods are taken not going to get paid.


One surprise, apparently the Dutch were fond of chatting. The proof loads of cafes and restaurants, both indoors and outdoors. The majority of its open air cafes, and the number buaanyak really. It turned out that the Dutch like to get together, get together and hang out longer at the cafe. There are some bar hangout, but not so in love.

Depan rumah camer, 3 lantai papan kayu semua. Kalau semua semen bisa kedinginan di musim dingin. semen menyerap dingin. Di Belanda standar semua rumah adalah papan kayu.

Depan rumah camer, 3 lantai papan kayu semua. Kalau semua semen bisa kedinginan di musim dingin. semen menyerap dingin. Di Belanda standar semua rumah adalah papan kayu.

Rumah yang lebih murah berjenis flat/ apartemen beberapa lantai. Bisa di sewa per lantai bayar tahunan. Rumah yang mahal letaknya di komplek perumahan, dan biasanya di bangun beberapa tingkat. Kalau apartemen yang punya taman belakang lebih mahal lagi.

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